Tuesday, October 25, 2011


people you haven't been blogging lately...so i decided to make a post for you all to read and comment on!! heheheeee lol so right now in gym were swimming...idk if you guys have that but every month we have a different sport and for me this month is swimming...today we went on the diving boards :) it was funnnn mannnnn :D okay byeeeeee people

Monday, August 8, 2011


Well, I wrote in the journal for like 2 days.. then went to cousins house. I'll probably still be having it after we go camping

Friday, August 5, 2011

hi peoples

well, peoples i've been going on one very website. STARDOLL! heres a picture of me:

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Tennis Camp-over ONE MORE WEEK!!

Okay, so we finished almost 3 weeks of tennis camp so far. We have one more to go! Then, all the fun things happen! Cindy, me, Jenna, Jason, and my mom are going to Atlantic City for 2days!! Then, Jenna and Jason are coming over for a week!!! We're going to Jamie's house, Jasper (uncle)'s house, and you guys are coming!!!!!!! YAy!! :) Also, our friend Emily Chen is coming! (wait-do you know her? i forgot...it's at the tip of my tongue (head-haha cindy) wait-i'll ask cindy......please hold
Okay, she said that you guys know her and now everything's coming back!! So i can't wait for us to go camping together!! WHOOPEE!!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

SO HI PEOPLES!!...except Tiffany

so as you can see people, I'm just saying hi. except to tiffany who hasn't posted since APRIL!!!!!!! so...

HI PEOPLES!!! (except tiffany :D)

btw I'm gonna change the design of my blog thingy =)

ok bye

Saturday, July 9, 2011


FINALLY!! we got the notebook!! you guys took 4 MONTHS with it!! soo ooh yeah!!! You guys should make a skype!! its like a video chatting thing where you can talk =D ok BYE

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Hi people!! No one really posts anymore....well now i do!!! (btw i'm only doing this because cindy told me to) Sooooo.....guess what????? I got my new glasses on saturday! I think my vision is terrible now :P And Sabreena is the only one that doesn't have glasses!! hahahaha guess what!! today i learned jajajaja means hahahaha in spanish! yay :) i'm smart hehe..now i dont know what to say so bye

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What are we gonna do??

What are we gonna do this summer? I WANNA KNOW!! I hope we can go to Bostan (hehe that's how my friend spells Boston) or you guys can come to New York again :) I wanna know how to make bracelets with letters. I'm hoping when they learn they can teach me *cough cough* Tiffany *cough* just saying. I just typed my friends a looooong email just for fun!! It was very fun to type and it reminded me of that contest going on between everyone...hey who won? I bet someone did! I really want to go to Massachusetts because a long time ago when i came over i left something at your house...you guys made pencils for us or something? and we left like a notebook and those pencils or whatever you gave us. I remember you guys have a bathroom that connects your rooms!!! I love those! They're SOOOO cool! And i remember eating Captain Crunch at you house once for cereal and I remember seeing your dad drinking out of a mug. I don't know why, but i do. ohmygosh i also remember..um...i don't remember. I haven't been to your house in like 4 years!!!!! I barely remember what you guys look like! just kidding :) :O should i bring cake mania? *cough cough* tiffany *cough* Hmmmm... what should i type now? This is probably the longest post i ever typed. I'll type to you in pig latin:
ihay uysgay! Oday ouyyay nowkay owhay otay eadray igpay atinlay? esidesbay indycay. Sn'tiyay histay unfay otay eadray? (otnay eallyray fiyay ouyyay don't nowkay owhay otay eadray igpay atinlay) Koyay lliyay topsay ritingway niyay igpay atinlay!

Translation: Hi guys! Do you know how to read pig latin? Besides Cindy. Isn't this fun to read? (not really if you don't know how to read pig latin) Ok i'll stop writing in pig latin!

1.take any word and put the first letter as the last
2.if the first letter's a vowel, put "yay" at the end

simple! Now comment saying something in pig latin!


Monday, April 25, 2011

VACATION!! no more :(

I can't believe that vacation is about to end!!!! TOMORROW is the last day! I'm soooooo ssad! My cousin Jenna came over on Saturday last week and left on Saturday :( so now there's nothing to do here. Except piano, violin, tennis ya know. So i think we should find new cool designs to make for friendship bracelets!!! But every time i search something it just shows pictures of what it looks like :| Like i saw these cool music notes on a bracelet and this whole website of these awesome-looking bracelets but you have to BUY them! It doesn't show you how to make them! TOTALLY NOT FAIR!!! Am I right? AM I RIGHT? And, when are you guys gonna come down (hehe) to New York?? I can't wait! But i hope you don't go to those places like last time....oh! I wanna go to that person's house you know where we caught fireflies!!?? Don't you? Where we made those flowers out of tissue paper? FUN!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Even LOONGER posts

Well if you guys keep having these long post competitions, they're gonna go on forever! I'm not just saying that you know! Also, if you want me to start in the competition i won't because i never have anything exciting to say :P

Well, here I am at home, STILL SICK. I've been sick for 3 days so far and I don't really have a fever anymore..I missed 2 days of school. No homework for me! Also i can't practice piano and violin. Hmm I wonder how long it took to write that.

2 of my friends called me yesterday and one texted me. probably cause they missed me sooo much!!!! ;)

Do you SEE the picture of those letters? Those are the friendship bracelets with letters on them!!! Did Tiffany learn how to make them? If she did, she should teach it to someone sick! hint hint.

Well, I'm bored so goodbye.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Crazy psycho people

I think we should have a contest about something...because there's not really a point of posting if there's nothing to do besides making really long posts. SOOOOOO someone should think of a contest....WAIT lemme try to google a contest BRB hmmm there's only definitions of contest :P o wait!!!!!!! Lets have a contest about wait nope nothing...SOMEONE come up with a contest!!!! SERIOUSLY! I'm bored and have nothing to post about ANYTHING!!! Nothing in my life is going on except that I'm sick =.=' urgh just comment saying what contest we should do and i'll be happy :) BUT NOT a contest about having the longest post!!! Because I think most of my exclamation points will fill it up :P Yeah..so COMMENT!!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Looong Blogs

Well, may I ask WHYYYY Tiffany and Cindy are having a competition in having the longest posts.....I don't think Sabreena is doing it. I'm not doing it juuust saying. I'm bored right now so I'm going to end this post now so a GOOD BYE

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Hey guys! Hope you guys will send the notebook or journal back! I mean i can't wait for MY birthday present! (BTW my bdays in less than 3 days!!!! CANT WAIT TIL MY BDAY!)

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Ya guys know what's really strange? we're really shy in real life, but when we're on the computer we just say stuff and we're not shy..weird.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Well, i'm TRYING to not make this an apology *ahem subby* i came up with subby! instead of subway :) i should think of new nick names 4 you peeps! *ding* idea!
sabreena-sub, subway, subby, idk
tiffany-tiff, tiffy, taffy,

well idk any for cindy but if i wrote them she would be very mad at me.
you guys can add to this list BTW!!! and i wanna nicky name!
i got a nick name for skittles!
skit skats!
AND did you no that there r about 9,000,000 ppl tht hav the same bday as yu guyzz! besides on feb 29.....thts a hole diffy story :) now BEGONE!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


WELL its been a long time since SOME PEOPLE blogged (definitely NOT cindy) including me :) well over →→→→→→ THERE is one of my NEW fav songs (thx 2 cindy cuz she put a radio in the bathroom and i heer tht song EVERY DAY) heh heh so well nothing really but i gtg shower now so as Sabreena says, bye!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

uhhh sry people

i havent been posting (or commenting) awhile..... i'll just make a quiz like everyone else did =.=' what should it be about!? o well lets see how well u guyz no me!
copy and post like cindy's post

Sunday, January 9, 2011


i know i haven't been posting for a LOOONG while, but i HAVE been commenting on you people's blogs ;) so my mom says there's gonna be a snow in 2 days, but not like a big one like 2 weeks ago. ;( well CYA.. and post!... and comment down there

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